8:55 AM

The End for the New.

The Yonex Carbonex 21 SP was dated(bought i think) in 1989 by my dad. Apparently it was one of the best rackets at its time. For me, it was an awesume racket to learn with. The 21 SP has finally got decommissioned 2 weeks ago on the sunday night social... i cracked the frame by smashin it to hand... silly me argh.. it was bound to happen, breakin that is. It lasted 1 year of my use... when i started playing badminton. It was only from 2 weeks ago when i started to play it seriously. Hence the new rackets.

I finally received them on the 29th July (bought on 2nd) and got to test it on a Wednesday's second round match. My tensions for both rackets are under 4lb of its maximum. So for the Apcas Edgesaber is max 30lb, i got it strung on 26lb. After checking the rackets closely, i found out that the strings isnt the correct ones, they claimed on the bid. He sent me BG-68ti rather than the nanogy95s. Stock grips on it are not that good, ive put on the extra grips. Neways, Overall im happy with the rackets, surely gives alot more power and control comparing to the old ones that i used. Planning to get the original Yonex Nanospeed 9000X in time.

Nimitsuka 3rd August 2008