9:30 PM

Looking forward~

The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be. - Horace Bushnell

The best way out is always through.
Robert Frost

There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind has achieved the second. - Logan Pearsall Smith

Nimitsuka 2009

10:06 AM

8 Reasons to wake up earlier!

1. Work on yourself
Early morning is an excellent time for personal development. How many times you complained you don’t have time to read that self-improvement book? Read it in the morning! Quiet morning time is a god sent gift which you should use for growing yourself – professionally, emotionally, phisically, mentally and spiritually. Use this time to “sharpen the saw”.

2. Exercise your body
Do I really need to comment it? Exercise at home, go jogging or go to gym (they open early)…

3. Get ready for big stuff
Clean up small stuff to take it from your way to big things you plan to do during the day. Jump on that bunch of emails sitting in your inbox so it doesn’t drag your attention later in the day.

4. Increase your productivity
If you start early, you make your day longer, you can do much more in one day than you usually do. Got a lot of work pressing on you? Wake up earlier, jump to work, you may be done by the afternoon…

5. Use morning time for thinking
Jim Citrin wrote: “The quiet of the morning is often the time when your mind is at its clearest and most well-suited to solving important problems”. Read his article Tapping the Power of Your Morning Routine to get more insight on how valuable morning time can be. In the same article Jim reports that 80% of executives he questioned wake up at 5:30am or earlier.

6. Go with the nature
The nature wakes up every day when the sun goes up. So should you because your body is a part of the nature! Of course it depends at what time sun goes up in your area (in some areas, it doesn’t go down for half a year :-) , but you have got the idea…

7. Medidate
Meditation induces well-being and emotional balance. If you start your day with meditation you will carry that balance through the day, improving your life. Morning is a better time for meditation because you are fresh, your brain is relaxed and mind is much sharper.

8. Beat the traffic
If you spend too much time commuting to and from work every day, you can actually save time if you wake up and drive to work earlier. Even if you work fixed hours, by arriving to work earlier you can spend the extra time you’ve got on things listed above – reading, exercising, planning, and so on. It’s free time for you, which otherwise you would waste in traffic jams.

Got this list from HowtoWakeUpEarly.com

Nimitsuka 26th November 2009

1:00 PM

The post that shouldve been posted~ =P

Hello Readers, who ever you are~

Im sure you guys and girls, men and women of all ages, have been wondering why havent I updated this blog bla bla bla. so the real reason is no reason at all lol. However from certain ppl, you probably be using the word "slack" as my reason. ahahhaa. But your wrong *points at those ppl* lol For those who dont know me, i dont like repeating myelf more than twice, i find it quiet annoying. So whats was the point of saying that, not like im repeating posts? well thats bcos i have Facebook, and most updates are in there already. Uploading pictures twice is just too much time consuming. so then why am i doing this? thats bcos ive been nagged, so might as well get it done over with ahhahahaa. grrrr =P Thanks though for those who wasted their time to check if its updated or not. see see ive considered ure visits too =P

But wwoah truely ive neglecting this site so much... its been since march that ive done a post. Actually february... lol. owh well~ lallalaa.

So whats been happening lately? Mainly my life rotates from research, creativity, and physical activities. For those who dont know my current situation is, i'm changing my major next year to something what ive always wanted to do since i was little. Maybe its fate? lol. My dad was the biggest contribution for my desire of this ambition of mine. Thanks dad~ It is to be an awesome leader and to kick ass lol. hahhahaha. Big Dreams comes with big responsibilities obviously. So those first few steps to reach that goal, is the most hardest. Lets just pray that i get into the course. The early round offer results comes out tomorrow at 2pm... =D. Positive thoughts. Project management here i come!

So why am i researching when im suppose to be doing nothing? well that because i dont like doing nothing hahahhaa. Plus this involves with studying to prepare for my future course. Ive downloaded quiet a few project management ebooks. PMP etc etc. And guess what, no more annoying mathematical calculations, well not technical ones that is.

Creativity: Thats my life style. As the legendary Albert Einstein himself said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge". What i do in this part is designing business plans, for my future investments and other small things, that could be potential inventions. Whatever i do that i have full commitment to, its always end up with a level higher than ure normal standards bahhahaa.

The physcial activities, well im an addict to badminton now. I guess thats a good sport to choose be crazy in ahhahah. Less prone to danger like my other favourite sport: skating. Plus atm i have a good excuse not to go skating anymore, im in need of new skates hahahhaa. ah well. If you think about it, both sports needs quick relflexes and full body usage. Either ure doing a flip or doing a jump smash. so siukkk man(in english, so awesome man lol).

Meh... i wish i was in brunei right now... everyone that i know here, all went back already... which makes me yearn even more... missed out raya there, and then gonna miss out holidays~ owh happy days -_- ... . bleh... Being alone here is depressing... lol. The reminiscence of those days...

to be continued~

Nimitsuka 26th November 2009

8:08 PM

Motivation: Dont Ever Give Up....

Nimitsuka 31st August 2009

8:29 AM

Just for Laughs

Youtube User: Akinari.
"People usually hit someone's back or shoulder when they're giving a compliment. The more you hit the better the compliment.. What kind of freakin theory is that? =_='"

I cant stop watchin this. its just simply too good. lol. But one thing i know... bruneians are getting bored... lol Thanks Jihan =D
Nimitsuka 25th May 2009

4:45 PM

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

to YOU

Happy Birthday Kaka Tina! Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest.
Love you, Timin

Nimitsuka 24th March 2009

3:26 PM

My Holidays in Geneva Part 2

Yes yes my blog has been dull lately. Sorry, i was enjoying myself to much on my holidays hahhahah =P. Bee happy, since im spending my time, to show you how my holidays were hehe

Heres how i spent my time in Geneva.. Sorry for the random slide shows, its abit annoying uploading individual photos.. plus theres too many of em ehehe. But i will put up he good ones and tell u some stories about it.

Snowy Days In Geneva

My first time touching snow was defined as, totally awesome hahahhaha. I always wondered how it really feels like. Ive played snow once but that was ice (NZ, skiing) and not actually see snow flakes flying down and gradually snow appears.

One thing i thought of imagine taking the xtrial on 4wd on the snow must be so much fun hahhaha. *imagining it*. However, having such

nice winter seasons, can have its side of the sword. You cant do much about it for external activities, we had to skip a week or 2 i think for airsoft because of the weather.

Owh... i lost my ways of sleeping when i was there hahahha. Jetlagg..... laggg. laggg.. to think about it, i never actually slept properly when i was there and that was 5-6weeks? I kept waking up at 2-3am...and stay up thru the day. So fun... bleh... i cant think of anything else to say hahhahaha. Mind Blank. Alright next bunch of photos, Ice Skating =D. Click here to see more of the album.

Ice Skating in France

Nimitsuka 2009
Ice Skating, was fun, but the first hour i never felt so retarded... hahhaha. Ive skated aggressively(skateparks), inline hockey, so ice skating should be a piece a cake, in a general assumption. I always heard from my mates, its alot faster, and sharper, not that hard but didnt get to really understand what theyre saying til i hop into one. At my first go, i was the first one that slipped hahahha. Fun stuff. Click HERE to view all the pics from ice skating...

7:23 PM

Update Update Update

Nah no updates just as yet. The next update is gonna be big though... hmmm... lots of tpying stories to tell hahhaha. Heaps of photos to upload -_- hmmm... Melbourne-Geneva. Geneva, Paris... uhh Brunei hahahhaa thats heaps hahhaha.

Check it out soon hahhaha..

Nimitsuka 26th February 2009

9:29 PM

Col de la faucille - ski resort.

First of all i wanna say Happy New Years to everyone. Wish you all the best in 2009. hehe.
Yeah i know, ive been slacking on updates lately...thats bcos ive uploaded them on facebook =P. Well since today is the 1st day of 2009, might as well make a start lol. Heres what ive been up to, 2 days ago. I went skiing, with my siblings, well more like just me and Boy hahahha. Thanks again Kaka Tina =D. Your the best ^_^ hehe.
The Ski Resort is located in France, Mont Jura at the Col le da Faucille Resort. Its not that far from my sister's house, only abt 1hr drive to get there. The scenary is always amazing here. Gotta love the mountains hehehe.
THe skiing was pretty good, except after abt 2pm when it gets just a lil bit crowded. so the chairlifts get annoying with the lines with ppl pushing in. But still we were able to get thru them with ease and found more quieter tracks. The morning runs was perfect, so quiet. hehehe. Ive also taken some videos, sorry abt the quality of me taking it, i was trying to ski, look where im going, and look where boy is going and loo for other ppl lol. Next time, one day, ill get bettter ones hahhaha, since im gettin used to skiing again. =P maybe when im in melbourne hehehe. Or if i have spare money and go there again huhuu.

The Chair Lift up with Kaka tina & Boy.

Boys run from the top after the chair lift, and back to bottom.

The Border Cross Track - Boy.

Nimitsuka - The 1st Of January 2009