Yes yes my blog has been dull lately. Sorry, i was enjoying myself to much on my holidays hahhahah =P. Bee happy, since im spending my time, to show you how my holidays were hehe
Owh... i lost my ways of sleeping when i was there hahahha. Jetlagg..... laggg. laggg.. to think about it, i never actually slept properly when i was there and that was 5-6weeks? I kept waking up at 2-3am...and stay up thru the day. So fun... bleh... i cant think of anything else to say hahhahaha. Mind Blank. Alright next bunch of photos, Ice Skating =D. Click here to see more of the album.
Ice Skating, was fun, but the first hour i never felt so retarded... hahhaha. Ive skated aggressively(skateparks), inline hockey, so ice skating should be a piece a cake, in a general assumption. I always heard from my mates, its alot faster, and sharper, not that hard but didnt get to really understand what theyre saying til i hop into one. At my first go, i was the first one that slipped hahahha. Fun stuff. Click HERE to view all the pics from ice skating...
Heres how i spent my time in Geneva.. Sorry for the random slide shows, its abit annoying uploading individual photos.. plus theres too many of em ehehe. But i will put up he good ones and tell u some stories about it.
Snowy Days In GenevaMy first time touching snow was defined as, totally awesome hahahhaha. I always wondered how it really feels like. Ive played snow once but that was ice (NZ, skiing) and not actually see snow flakes flying down and gradually snow appears.
One thing i thought of imagine taking the xtrial on 4wd on the snow must be so much fun hahhaha. *imagining it*.
However, having such

nice winter seasons, can have its side of the sword. You cant do much about it for external activities, we had to skip a week or 2 i think for airsoft because of the weather.

Ice Skating in France
Ice Skating, was fun, but the first hour i never felt so retarded... hahhaha. Ive skated aggressively(skateparks), inline hockey, so ice skating should be a piece a cake, in a general assumption. I always heard from my mates, its alot faster, and sharper, not that hard but didnt get to really understand what theyre saying til i hop into one. At my first go, i was the first one that slipped hahahha. Fun stuff. Click HERE to view all the pics from ice skating...
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