12:05 PM

Little by little, one travels far

        The truth behind rumors, as we all know will remain as an uncertainty of stories about people that u may or not know off, of what they did, or how they are or who they are. These oblivious claims can circulate among groups of individuals such as close friends and then to the friend of a friend and then the person next to you and the strangers behind you. In most cases as it goes around, stories can be changed thru under or over exaggeration, so the message can never be the same. For example, in a group of friends, one person just heard an interesting story, so he tells his friend about the story, and this “next” friend tells to his next person… and it goes on and on… Realistically if you think about it, there would be a high possibility of one of them to make a wrong interpretation of the story between the exchanges, right? Since we are human and not computers, but even computers do make errors too sometimes. So the point being is, you never know if a rumor is true or not. The only way to find the real truth is to conform it from the real person in the story itself.

        My conclusion… for the reason about all that is that the rumors aren’t true. Hatred and inconsideration creates bad rumors. Only good rumors are made truly or for comedic intentions. =P

        The reminiscence on the days in the past will always hunt the living present and makes the future filled with uncertainty. This is what u called life, exciting isn’t it hahhaha. Where did those happy days gone to? Regrets, hatred and romance… even though we know it can go awfully wrong and yet we do it, why? It’s the purpose of experiencing it in the hard way. The saying goes, we can look at the past, but we can never live it in. hmmm… … for example (lol), if we go back in time, where technology were yet to exist like no mobile phones, will we be able to live in it? No I don’t think so. (Bleh… im running out of motivation to write anymore hahhaha. It’s way too serious for me. )

        Mistakes are bound to be made and everyone deserves the second chance. Second chance is most likely to prove to you of their new self. Changes only can be seen thru the comparison of the past and present. The size of change is equivalent to time. Big changes equals more time.

                                                                                                         Nimitsuka 10th July 2008