9:29 PM

The past week.

So whats been happenin for the past week, well it rained ice, where i thought it was gonna snow hehehe. It only lasted for 5mins sadly... wouldve been awesum to drive if it did snow here at the unit hahhaha. Snow driving with 4wd & diff lock on =D. Eh eh eh... Apparently it was snowing at Mt. Dandenong(about an hour's drive) The ice balls size(2nd foto) is abt 5mm in diameter.

And then went to my parents house, to mow the lawn( i always say lawn the mow lol, =p, had to think twice then, it just sounds the same okay.). But the lawn mower didnt want to start.. Ive tried kick start it with wd40 hahhaha, but still nothing. If i had time and the equipment, i would like to rebuid the engine, i reckon its clogged with poop in it. Probably from the our movement too, Hot to Cold conditions... hmmm. I think theres something weird with the throttle connections. aswell hmmm.. Might have to do some custom adjustments...

As u can see... i was bored... hahhaha. This reminded me of a maths teacher back in High school, but his attire was worse, bcos he was wearing shorter shorts hahah.

Another night of ping pong with the bros. I still kick ass on it hahhaha. But there were times that made me play with frustration, I just keep missing those smashes lol.

Nimitsuka 14th August 2008