Its been awhile that, Ive posted anything on this blog. As usual, i only post something when my life is going thru on that roadblock in life, where everything slows down and over takes my mind that haunts me at day & night..
So whats wrong? well that you probably will or not find out on my next post if theres gonna be one. Im mentally tired, and those weeks when i fell sick, was such a miserable way to spend ur days by ureself.. So chin up, give ure self a good kick start tomorrow, and act that as if tomorrow is the best last day of your life.
"One of the sanest, surest, and most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others."
Nimitsuka 26th August 2010
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling. lol..
Labels: life
Just finished cleaning up my links...phew.. =P. It looks all nice and organised now... hahhaha.
Urgh.... Hope winter gets here asap, i dont like this hot weather.
Nimitsuka 19th March 2010
Labels: random rant.
Hey all.
As for you those who this is relevant to, i just removed my skating blog site, since i don't see any future updates on it. Its more convenient to just having one blog. If there is any related skating posts, itll be just gonna be here. hahahha =P.
There are some that Ive told that Im gonna make a comeback into the skating scene. But Im not really sure when. One particular reason why i haven't is I need new pair of skates, my old one which is who knows how old already, 5 years maybe? needs replacing for safety purposes lol. Few guys misses skating with me XD hahahaha and how he wishes to have my skating skills(balls), since i don't use much of it these days. Dont worry brraaa, ill be back soon lol. My skates are still usable, but it needs some new parts, which im not gonna bother to buy. Better off buying a new one. Remz? Razors? USDs? i dunno. Its gonna be a mystery lol.
Neways. Plus another excuse is there's non out there, that i liked atm. There was one, but they dont make em anymore.. buuhuu~
Stay tuned in 2010, for My Skating Comeback =P
Nimitsuka 19th March 2010
Labels: skating.
Just a lil bit late though hahhaha. Yeap, i know ive been neglecting this blog for a while now, and I had few number of attempts to post something up okay, but i dunno, just a lil hesistant to post it. Then there's that certain person *cough cough*, had been reminding me many times in the past alot hahhahaa lol =P. Yes you know who u are *grins* lol hahahhaha.
Neways, back to posting. sooo.. what have i been doing since from the previous posts. Let me recall of the few highlights that I have gone thru. Btw this is taking long bcos i need to charge my cam battery =P hahahha (yes yes more excuses) lol.
[After few days later from 8th March] Hmmm yes, no photos. I cant be bothered to upload it just yet. I rather do other things first. hahhahaha. But i soo want to upload it, so that i can show and tell hehehe grrrr. It sounds simple, but its not, because for my camera settings, each photos is abt 2-4mb. Therefore to upload just few photos at that size each, would take too much time and wastage. lol. So i need to convert it to smaller files. which takes time aswell.. time time time. We all need time. Life is short and unexpected, thats what makes it interesting. hahaha
bla bla bla ~ to be continued. well atleast i posted something okay =P. Be Happy meow~ =D

Labels: update